feb. 12, 2024 | Activități
For the first Agroecology-TRANSECT webinar, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Florian Leiber to talk to us about the special quality of dairy and meat products from grazing ruminant systems. Dr. Leiber is an expert in animal nutrition and is currently co-head of the...
ian. 15, 2024 | Activități
Interesul crescut pentru sănătate și preocuparea pentru protecția mediului, determină majoritatea tarilor să stimuleze producția si consumul produsele ecologice, acestea devenind tot mai căutate, atât de către consumatorii români, cât și străini. Auzim multe despre...
dec. 14, 2023 | Activități
The CORE Organic Pleiades network, TP Organics, IFOAM Organics Europe, and OrganicTargets4EU welcome the pre-announcement of the first partnership on agroecology call which acknowledges the importance of organics. Ivana Trkulja (CORE Organic Coordinator, ICROFS)...
dec. 14, 2023 | Activități
The CORE Organic Pleaides network hosted a workshop in Brussels,as part of the Horizon Europe project OrganicTargets4EU. The name of the seminar was “CORE Organic Annual Workshop 2023”, and the subject title for this year’s event was “CORE Organic Pleaides Network...
dec. 14, 2023 | Activități
The Agroecology Europe Forum took place from 16 to 18 November in Gyöngyös near Budapest. This 3-day event was organised by Agroecology Europe, a non-profit organisation promoting the sustainable development of farming and food systems across the EU. A diverse range...
dec. 14, 2023 | Activități
Help us by telling us more about your food production or farming initiative, so we can scale up nature friendly farming across Europe Complete the survey: https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/x/f6Gtgsw7 We’re mapping the work of agroecological farmers and growers taking place...