From January 1st 2022, organic farmers will have to comply with a new regulation -March 25TH 2021- introduced by the European Commission. The new rules reinforce the concern for the ever-changing ecological sector, which is going through rapid growth.
One of the topics which is in the spotlight of the European Commission is fraud. The new regulation aims to introduce a strengthened control system, with stricter prevention measures and stricter controls throughout the supply chain, imposing a common approach that can reduces the risk of even accidental contamination with pesticides. In this regard, we invite you to participate in our workshop, event that will help you discover a package of digital services dedicated to combating fraud.
Solutions willl be presented capable of mapping and linking certification data and transactions along the supply chain preventing the entry of conventional products into the supply chain as high quality organic products. The constraints related to verification of the integrity of a group will be also adressed. Since our organization is debating and tries to introduce new voluntary standards, the ways application of standards will be introduced will be also debated.
Last but not least, we would like to look at this issue from the angle of food security

  • Organic farmers
  •  Certification bodies
  •  Accreditation bodies
  • Applicants of public or private standards
  • Companies that aim to improve their internal audit processes
10:00 – 10:10 Introductory remarks;
10:10 – 10: 25 Nutritional and food security perspective ;
PhD. Nastasia Belc- General Manager IBA Bucharest
10:25 – 10:40 New regulations and rules in EU and in the world;
PhD. Costin Lianu- President of INTER-BIO Association
10:40 – 10:55 The role of voluntary standards in increasing the credibility of the organic sector ;
Ms.Dincă Valentina – Standardization expert at ASRO
10:55 – 11:10 Farmers perspective on cereal farms;
Mr. Aurel Petruş –President at the Agricultural Cooperative BIOCOOP Ştefan cel Mare
11:10 – 11:35 Organic services solutions;
Gerald Herrmann – General Director Organic Services
11:35 – 11:45 Conclusions
The event will take place online,on GoToMeeting platform on March 25th 2021, starting with the time 10:00 (the access link )