Between June 21-22, 2019, the “2nd European One Health, Conference” took place in Bucharest, an event dedicated to the participation of the global One Health concept in promoting health and life in general, in the presence of some leaders of the medical world: representatives of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands, the Royal Belgian Academy of Medicine, the French National Academy of Medicine, the Roslin Institute in Scotland, Utrecht University, Texas A&M University ESAC (European Scientific Academies Council) –  association representing all European Academies of Sciences, and others.


Spiru Haret University was the co-organizer of the conference together with One Health Association Romania, the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences, the European Federation of Medical Academies and the UNGSII Foundation.


The conference was established as the most important European event in the field, bringing together personalities in the field of human medicine, veterinary sciences, agriculture, microbiology, environmental protection, on this occasion being outlined  new directions in applying the One Health concept.


The event took place over three days and addressed topics related to the scientific and medical challenges and activities in Europe related to the One Health concept such as: the environmental dimension of antimicrobial resistance and the possibility of re-evaluating antibiotics; comparative oncology; food medicine and food safety; occupational medicine; bioeconomy, education in the spirit of one health; mega European projects of One Health. It has been decided to draw up a report which will be submitted to the courts of the European Union, which will finally be debated in the European Parliament.


On June 22, 2019, Spiru Haret University, through USH Pro Business entrepreneurial center, was the organizer of the round table “Business environment and the new One Health paradigm”. The debate focused on how the business community, manufacturers, traders, suppliers, processors and certification bodies  should cooperate in the subsidiary to develop new markets and new value chains, in order to be closer to the holistic approach of human health. The main topics of the round table were: the impact of the One Health concept on the business environment; food security and food certification, organic products, disruptive technologies.


“The contribution of Spiru Haret University, through the round table, was extremely well appreciated by the personalities present who said that the debates offer a richer and holistic perspective on the debated concept, bringing the contribution of other sciences and fields such as urban planning, construction, information technology, organic farming,  with its urban and rural development.


Also, the involvement of the business environment in the presentation of the concept and the academic interaction with areas of interdisciplinarity, is an innovative aspect that will be considered by the World Health Association. Spiru Haret University connections, not only with the One Health Association, but also with complementary fields such as organic agriculture through Inter-Bio Association, were appreciated. It was agreed that a joint Inter-Bio – One Health working group should be promoted at European level, ”said Costin Lianu, Vice-rector of Spiru Haret University, General  Manager of USH Pro Business.