European Project
PROSME The European Enterprise Europe Network, active in the regions of Bucharest – Ilfov and South Muntenia since 2008, continues and expands its activity during the period 2022-2025, through the project “Promoting SMEs through Enterprise Europe Network” (PROSME), financed under the Single Market Program. Inteer-Bio is part of Prosme Conostium. The project assists enterprises in their transition to more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable businesses, while supporting digital innovation and increased resilience, so that SMEs become competitive on the European Single Market and global markets.PROSME’s services provide the enterprises with a framework for adopting new business models, and include:
- advisory services on sustainability, innovation, digitalization or access to European funding programmes, including programmes for research and development and innovation;
- assistance in identifying European and international business partners or to develop projects;
- training and information activities;
- support for SMEs in expressing opinions under the European policy-making process.
European dimension and added value remain the key features of PROSME’s activities.
Wallachia EHUB
Inter-Bio is part of Wallachia eHub community It´s mission is to become the digital transformation gateway in the region of South Muntenia and Bucharest-Ilfov, Romania, by providing twin transition services and solutions to both the private sector (start-ups, SMEs, mid-caps) and the public sector. Therefore, green digital technologies are be the focus of our actions at regional level for environmental and societal sustainability and a more resilient region. Our vision is based on our role as a regional catalyst with many collaborations both nationally and internationally. Consortium partners, as well as the other Wallachia eHub members external to the project, have a previous experience of collaboration and strong interaction capabilities. These strong links reflect WeHub’s value proposition to stimulate the digital green innovations through fostering a collaborative ecosystem, capitalising on key structures around us such as clusters, and providing our flagship approach – Integrated Services for Digital Innovation and Transformation. The community members are able provide specialised services in the form of digital and interoperability solutions applying advanced technologies such as AI, Cybersecurity, Robotics, Mobility, Location technologies (GIS) and Building Information Modelling. WeHub will provide a range of high technology services focusing on logistics engineering, precision agriculture, smart city, dual use services, urban planning and training programmes on key digitalisationconcepts.,
The overall objective of OrganicTargets4EU project is to support the achievement of organic sector targets in the EU Farm to fork strategy. Based on an assessment of key drivers and lock-ins affecting the development of the organic sector, the project sets-up a multi-actor process to create possible scenarios for reaching the targets.
The project is structured into two strands, which run from start to finish:
•Production and Markets: the project will analyse where increases in organic farmland can be achieved, and the (socio-economic) impacts of these increases at the level of primary production, value chains and markets. The project will also provide evidence on the mechanisms that can drive demand for organic food and the impact of changing diets and food waste reduction on mitigating the reduced yields from organic production.
•Knowledge and Innovation: the project will work towards an innovation ecosystem fit for achieving the F2F targets, recognising that the scale of the expansion envisaged will require a transformational approach.
OrganicTargets4EU will facilitate a multi-actor policy dialogue to assess the feasibility of the organic F2F targets and develop policy recommendations for the CAP, EU organic regulation, EU and national organic action plans, Horizon Europe, and horizontal legislation on inputs and public procurement. The policy recommendations will cover short-term options (up to 2027), the next policy reform from 2028 onwards, and a horizon scanning post 2030 for the whole next multi-annual financial framework to 2034.
Agroecology-TRANSECT aims to contribute to releasing the full potential of agroecology for European agriculture by strengthening the knowledge base for farmers and advisors and supporting decision makers. It aims to deliver robust evidence of the benefits of agroecology on climate change mitigation, biodiversity and farm socio-economic resilience. To achieve these objectives, Agroecology-TRANSECT supports the transition to agroecology through co-innovation dynamics including a transdisciplinary collaboration between researchers (agronomy, animal sciences, ecology, sustainability sciences, socio-economics and political sciences) and stakeholders and mobilisation of knowledge and expertise in 11 multi-actor Innovation Hubs (IHs) which have been engaged in agroecological transition for several years. The selected IHs reflect a diverse range of crop, animal and integrated crop-livestock systems, biogeographical areas and socio-economic European landscapes. Among the selected hubs Inter-Bio contribution was to promote Bio Danubius cluster, part of Inter-Bio consortium as a flagship center in cereal crops and other organic products.
The overall aim of OrganicClimateNET is to establish a pilot network of 250 organic farms to adapt, test, improve and implement climate and carbon farming practices. Key to this are the peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchanges between farmers organised in 24 hubs in 12 EU countries and facilitated by trained advisors. Concrete outputs are individual carbon farming strategies of the pilot farms as role models for the entire organic sector; 120+ climate and carbon knowledge materials, improved, translated and adapted to organic farming feeding into a decision support toolbox and freely accessible via the highly frequented Organic Farm Knowledge Platform; the evaluation of carbon farming business models (including MRV and rewarding schemes); upscaling to EU level in a quantitative assessment of the emission reduction and sequestration potential of the EU organic sector based on the data set from the 250 pilot farms; engagement with other EU-Projects and organic AKIS actors outside the network; and a network sustainability plan to sustain the network and knowledge exchange activities on the long term. Project results feed steadily in policy briefs and policy dialogue workshops to support effective climate policy design. The 4-year project gathers 17 partners (extension, farming associations, research) from 16 countries allowing exchange between countries with a mature organic sector and countries where organic farming is less developed.
Organic advisory services are essential to achieve this, and there is a need for 10,000-20,000 organic advisers in the EU to serve these farmers. The overall objective of the project is to co-create an EU-wide network of 1000 organic advisors that will exchange knowlegde and provide mutual support, covering all 27 EU Member States and 7 other European countries. The network will cover both plant production and animal husbandry. It will embrace the diversity of organic advisory services offered by private and publication organisations or self-employed professionals. An Action Plan will be created to ensure the long-term continuation of the network, laying down a governance structure and identifying future funding streams. Exchange will take place in online community spaces and in-person events. Online learning activities will be offered to increase technical and soft skills of advisors, both newcomers in the sector as well as more experienced organic advisors. Based on an analysis of drivers and barriers, the project will empower organic advisors to improve capacity of their organisations and promote the creation of organic advisory services where they do not exist yet. Successful business models of structuring and financing organic advisory services will be assessed. The outcomes of the project will be disseminated to actors within and beyond the organic community. Finally, synergies will be created with other EU projects and policy makers will be engaged to foster long-term support for the network itself and for organic advisory services in all parts of Europe.